Thursday, 6 November 2014

Glasgow South SSP membership each more than 200

CONTACT: Alan Ferguson 07930668771


GLASGOW South SSP announced their post-referendum membership surge saw them bolster their ranks to more than 200 members.

Around 2,600 applied to join nationally and with many of the applications processed Glasgow South SSP are planning on organising their newstarts for campaigning on local issues.

The grand total for Glasgow South SSP is now above 200 — with 150 of them joining after the referendum.

With more signing up almost daily the branch is drawing up plans to subdivide into areas of the south side such as Greater Govan, Shawlands, Gorbals and Pollok.

A spokesman said: "We pride ourselves in being the voice of the working people of Glasgow - and this has been shown by the increase in good working class people joining the Scottish Socialist Party in our branch here.

"Like all other former industrial heartlands in Scotland, the city of Glasgow voted for independence. The fact that people are joining us in their droves below the river displays how they're convicted to continuing the fight to build a better society here.

"Our new members in the south side don't want 'business as usual' anymore, as the dominating political dinosaurs in the city would have them. 

"We're organising to help make Glasgow a more progressive and socially just city for everyone - be they gay, straight, black or white."

The next branch meeting is on November 6 at 7pm in Langside Hall, Shawlands (opposite the Corona pub). Those interested in joining the Scottish Socialist Party are urged to attend, branches are open to all.

Planned branch meetings:

Thursday 6th November 7pm 'Socialist Critique of SNP' Sunday 23rd November 2pm 'Socialist Independence' 
Thursday 4th December 7pm 'The Threat of UKIP' 

Updates can be found on


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