Wednesday, 22 October 2014

New SSP branch formed in Perth


The Scottish Socialist Party have announced that a new branch of the party has been formed in Perth. This follows a post referendum surge in membership for the party across Scotland which has seen some 3,000 joining. 

SSP national spokesman, former  Lothians MSP Colin Fox said: “I am delighted that we now have an SSP branch in Perth and warmly welcome our new members there to the party.”

“I look forward  to working with them on key issues from winning maximum powers for Holyrood to fighting poverty pay a fuel poverty.”

The branch are planning regular street stalls and will host a public meeting with Colin Fox in late November.


Labour for Independence leader Allan Grogan joins Scotland's socialist party

Contact: Ken Ferguson 07925 613145



THE founder of ‘Labour  For Independence’ , Allan Grogan , has joined the Scottish Socialist Party.

He will be a guest speaker at the party’s annual conference in Edinburgh this Saturday (25th October).

Allan Grogan said: “As LFI predicted Scottish Labour’s decision to join the Tories, big business and the Lib Dems in the anti independence camp has backfired spectacularly and it now threatens the party’s very existence.”

“Voters who backed independence in Labour areas in September remain committed to social democratic and socialist change and values which put people before profit. 

"Those values are no longer held by Labour. They are held above all by the SSP in this country and I was really impressed by the party’s conduct and distinctive role in the ‘Yes Scotland’ campaign these past two years. 
I am a socialist and the place for socialists is in Scotland’s socialist party. That is why I have decided to join.”

Welcoming Allan to the party SSP national spokesperson Colin Fox said: “I warmly welcome Allan into the SSP and look forward to the positive contribution he will undoubtedly make to the party. 

"I have enjoyed working alongside him in the ‘Yes Scotland’ coalition for many months.

"To him and the thousands of other people who have joined Scotland’s socialist party in recent weeks I say welcome. And I can assure them all the SSP is all the stronger for their membership. 

"We continue to be at the forefront of the campaign for policies which put the interests of working class people before those of merchant bankers and fat cats pampered by both Labour and the Tories.

“These are really exciting times in Scottish politics and the need for the SSP in offering people a political alternative to all the pro business parties has never been more vital.”


Note: The SSP annual conference takes place in Augustine’s United Church, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh on Saturday 25th October 10am-5pm. You are invited to be represented, please contact Ken Ferguson for details.

Monday, 20 October 2014

SSP launches series of public meetings to demand Holyrood powers to resist Tory class war

20 OCTOBER 2014
CONTACT: Richie Venton 07828278093Alan Ferguson 07930668771/

SSP launches a series of public meetings to demand £10 Scottish minimum wage and Holyrood powers to resist Tory class war

THE Scottish Socialist Party has launched a series of public meetings throughout the West of Scotland in the aftermath of the Referendum.

Billed as ‘Unite Against the Tories’ war on the working class - demand the powers to transform our lives’, the public meetings have so far been scheduled in Govan, Greenock, Shawlands, Dumbarton, Easterhouse  and the Three Towns.

SSP West of Scotland regional organiser Richie Venton, who is speaking at many of the meetings, said: “During the Referendum the SSP warned of the horrendous consequences of continued Westminster rule, by and for the rich. 

"But the Tories didn't even wait a week before launching all-out class war on workers and communities through cuts to benefits, pay, jobs, services and human rights. 

“So, we need all those who engaged in the mass movement around the referendum to unite against this onslaught.

"And one vital part of that resistance has to be the demand that the Scottish government be given the powers to transform our lives through measures like a Scottish £10 minimum wage for all over 16; reversal of the assault on welfare and benefits; abolition of all anti-trade union laws; and taxation of big business and the rich to use our national wealth for the millions, not the millionaires.

"We are furious at the undemocratic exclusion of the SSP from the Smith Commission on extra powers for the Scottish parliament - being the only one excluded of the six parties that took part in the Referendum campaign. 

“But we refuse to be denied the opportunity to voice the demands of working class people for powers that could begin to combat the obscene poverty and inequality that scars the face of Scotland. 

“Whilst most of the other five parties disappear from the streets after the Referendum - and in most cases were never there anyway - the SSP will continue to open our doors to people in working class communities across the country. 

“This series of public meetings is the next phase of empowering ordinary people to organise and change the face of Scotland."

For more information or comment, or dates and venues of public meetings, contact:
Richie Venton, west of Scotland SSP regional organiser on 07828278093 or


Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Scottish socialists oppose private Scotrail franchise

Media Release

Contact Ken Ferguson 07925613145


Colin Fox, national SSP spokesman, today echoed union criticism of the Scottish government’s decision to award the Scotrail franchise to Dutch firm Abellio rather than taking it back into public hands.

He said: “Like the rail unions we believe that Scotland’s railways should be in public ownership and public investment in them devoted to improved services rather than private profit whether Scottish or Dutch.

“We now have the increasingly bizarre situation that key public services such as energy and railways can be run by public companies based in France, Holland or China but not Scotland.

“In the light of the prospect of increased powers for the Scottish Parliament this decision to press ahead with a private franchise flies in the face of demands for key Scottish services to be democratically controlled in Scotland.”